VPK-233136 Tiger-M is the variant of Tiger light tactical vehicle, on which the engine of the Russian production of YaMZ is installed.
The protection of the machine is increased, armored glass with ports for firing from small arms are inserted into the windows.
In addition, as a weapon used remote controlled weapon station. At the exhibition RAE-2013, were demonstrated variants with weapon stations, produced by KEMZ (Russia), Oto Melara (Italy) and Nexter (France).
In this case, since the Italian weapon station was also offered for the Russian army, it was created its version for installation as the main weapon of the 12/7-mm KORD machine gun. Due to the design of the machine gun, the design of the weapon station was also improved.
The variant with a ARX 20 remote controlled weapon station of the French company Nexter provides the greatest firepower for this class of vehicles, since it is equipped as the main weapon with an 20-mm automatic gun. Additionally, it can be equipped with a 7.62-mm machine gun.
As a result of cooperation with Nexter, the Nexter Viper system appeared on the vehicle, providing 360° surveillance, targeting and defeating targets on the move at ranges up to two kilometers. In addition, in this version, Nexter Safepro energy-absorbing seats are used, which protect the legs, spine, neck and head when the vehicle is blasted on a mine or IED. And also - the system Nexter Finders C2, which displays a tactical situation on the map, indicates the location of their own and foreign troops. It can work in the satellite navigation mode.