Information about the site

If you click on symbol located on any page, you will be transferred to the given page, where we have tried to describe the easiest way to use our site.

Clicking on (this icon is located in the lower part of many pages) will result in opening a new window with the version of the page optimised for printing out.

We tried to achieve the uniformity in terminology and it is an important advantage of our site. The items, that have identical functions, have the identical designations and it gives you an opportunity to compare the different items. Moreover, we used the same characteristics for identical items and these characteristics are measured in the same units of measurement.

Please, remember that all information provided by our site can't be considered as absolutely correct. We used different open sources to collect this information. Therefore, it can be subjective.

Data provided by us are arranged in large sections:

  • products
  • companies
  • quantities
  • countries
  • museum

and presented as tables.

PRODUCTS section contains the item list, where the specified are the designation of the item (? symbol is used if the data are unavailable), its name, the product type the item relates to, manufacturer and the country - location of the head-office of the manufacturer.

You can sort the data by values of any column. Click the title of the particular column to sort the data by values of this column. When the data are sorted by values of the column, symbol will appear.

Of course, the table that contains few thousands of rows can't be considered as user-friendly. That's why we provided each table with the search facilities, that enable you to find the data you are looking for.

You can select the items by their types. First of all, you should choose the type of product you are looking for from the upper drop-down menu. Then you will be able to choose the name of item from the lower drop-down menu.

Moreover, you can select the items that are manufactured in the particular country by choosing the particular country from the COUNTRY drop-down list.

You can enter the part of the name of the manufacturer and/or designation of the item in the MANUFACTURER and DESIGNATION fields respectively. You can use the regular expressions to fill in these fields.

It isn't necessary to fill in all search parameters. Enter only those, that are of your interest.

To obtain the detailed characteristic of an item click on the item you are looking for, when you find it.

To obtain the detailed information about the manufacturer of the particular item you can click the name of manufacturer shown on the page devoted to the particular item.

Moreover, for some items you can find the following:

  • photos
  • description
  • main technical parameters
  • components
  • the products where this item is used as a component (spare part)
  • quantities of this item, that are in possession of different countries, and total quantity

To obtain the description of another item click on the item you are interested in.

Data mentioned above are not fully available for all items. The available data may vary from item to item.

You can find the list of the companies in the COMPANIES section.

Their names are sorted alphabetically. To choose the companies that satisfy the particular requirements you can select the country (location of the company you are interested in) and/or the type of activity the company should be engaged in from the upper drop-down menus. Moreover, you can enter only part of the name of the company.

You can obtain the detailed description of the particular company if you click its name, which you can find in the table.

The description of the company contains not only the detailed contact details and list of types of activities of the company, but also such information as:

  • general description of the company
  • few photos of its products
  • list of products manufactured by the particular company

If you click any name of the product listed in the list you will be transferred to the page that contain the detailed information about the product.

The section called COUNTRIES contains some information about various countries of the world:

  • economic indexes
  • contact data of military organisations
  • vehicles/weapons in service with each particular country
  • references to trading companies and manufacturers

In the upper part there is a pop-up menu that will enable you to switch to the country you are interested in.

Besides, clicking - in any section of the site - on the flag of a country will result in opening the relevant page.