The BMO-T specialized heavy armored personnel carrier is a recent Russian development. It is a dedicated transporter for specialized flamethrower squads, armed with RPO series portable infantry flamethrowers. Vehicle is intended to support infantry and tank formations and it's primary targets are heavy fortifications. The BMO-T was accepted to service with the Russian Army in 2001, however it is not produced in quantity.
The BMO-T has similar protection as the main battle tanks. Vehicle has composite front armor and is fitted with built-in explosive reactive armor panels. Interior of the BMO-T is fitted with Kevlar liner which provides protection against spalling. Vehicle is also fitted with NBC protection and automatic fire suppression systems.
This heavy armored personnel carrier is fitted with remotely controlled 12.7-mm machine gun. A total of 32 disposable RPO-series flame-throwers are carried inside the vehicle.
Vehicle has a crew of two, including commander and driver and provides accommodation for a section of seven men. Troops dismount through the roof or rear hatches.
The BMO-T uses chassis of the T-72 main battle tank. It is powered by the V-46 diesel engine.