The Oshkosh Heavy Equipment Transporter (HET) is an advanced, hardworking and effective transport system that sets the benchmark for performance and cost efficiency. It's designed to rapidly deploy battle tanks, fighting and recovery vehicles, or armored vehicles, construction equipment, and their crews so they arrive in mission-ready condition. The HET saves wear and tear on your heavy equipment while cutting transportation costs.
The newest heavy equipment transporter from Oshkosh Truck is more powerful than ever with a 700-horsepower engine. And, it's the first and only one to be fully compliant with all applicable European road regulations, including Euro III engine compliance. With a 72-ton payload, this powerhouse was specially designed for the U.K. Ministry of Defence to haul the Challenger II battle tank or armoured vehicles and self-propelled guns.
Oshkosh Truck has built nearly 2,000 HETs since 1992. This configuration is partnered with a King GTS100 Heavy Equipment Trailer to provide remarkable transportation capacity for the Ministry of Defence logistics fleet.