Beginning of the AMV for the Polish Army has started in the mid 90-ties when constructors from finnish works Sisu Defence and specialist from Finland Army, has started elaborating technical-tactical proposition, for the successor of very good AMV Sisu Pasi (miltary name: XA -180, XA-185, XA-200). New vehicle gets name Armoured Modular Vehicle or XC-360.
On 20th December 2002, polish MoD tender commission decided that Patria, will be supplier, of wheeled armoured transport vehicles for Polish Army. Contract for delivering in Years 2004-2013, 690 vehicles has been signed on 15 April 2003.
Those vehicles will be delivered in 10 different equipment and armaments variants:
313 battle version with Hitfist - 30 turret and 30 mm cannon
125 battle version with 12,7 mm large-bore machine gun
78 command vehicles
34 technical support vehicles.
22 engineering vehicles
5 engineering reconnaissance vehicles
41 medical evacuation vehicles
17 chemical reconnaissance vehicles
23 artillery vehicles
32 reconnaissance vehicles (6x6)
Assumption that the vehicles will be produced in Poland by Mechanical works in Siemianowice Sl^skie was made at the beginning. So since the end of 2005 all vehicles delivered to army are being produced in Poland. Destination level of polonisation of vehicles will be about 53% ( after 2010). Engines and gear box from abroad are import. Parallel has started works on specialised version. 86 vehicles, are actually being in use by the Polish Army. According to General Staff announcments ROSOMAK will have soon their baptism on fire in Afghanistan, where he will be used by the Polish military contingent.
Construction description
The most popular construction system now is self carrying system, with chassis elements installed directly to vehicles body. Constructors from Patria company, use another not so popular construction system. In ROSOMAK frame, transfer all ballast and secure stiffnes of the body. Frame system, allows for making easy changes in body construction during repairs or modyfication, and increase body immunity for mines blasts. But the main disadvantage of this solutions is bigger height of the vehicles. To realize air transport by C-130 planes requiremend, and secure floating some steel elements of the body has been changed for alluminium. Reduction of the weight allowed also for armour immunity requirement against anit-armour ammo 14,5 mm from front and 7,62 mm from siedes and back of the vehicles. Armour consists of two layers, principal made from 8 mm steel and from external armour, which is install to principal layer. External armour can have different resistance and have different weight dependance of clients requirements. Both armour layer are separate by few milimeters empty space, which could be filled by foam, what additionally increase displacement of the vehicle.
Vehicle has been development according to the restricted pshycial field, had install fumes cooling systems and appropriate bend of the armour, to reduce effective reflexion surface.
Vehicle have 8 wheels with 14.00 R20 sieze, which cooperate with central pressure regulation system. All wheels have independent suspension, which allow to regulate gap from + 200 mm till - 250 mm. ROSOMAK have classical plan of the section: in front on the left side is driver section whose have screen on which could display view from one of three cameras (two from the front and one from the back). For night surveillance driver has passive device PNK-72 Radomka. On the right side is propulsion system. Behind the driver and propulsion section is transport section which is connected with driver section by wide corridor. Vehicle transport 8 soldiers with full equipment whose sitting on the sides face to face. Loading and unloading, are made throught two back doors or two loopholes on the roof. Breakwater, which is handed be folded have also automatical options and could folded without necessity of leaving vehicles by the crew.
Propulsion systems.
Rosomak has high - pressure 6 cylinder engine with turbocharging Scania D1 12 56A03 PE, with maximal force 360 kW/ 2100 turn per minute, and with permanence force 294 kW / 2100 turn per minute. Engine with 11,7 I capacity is cooling by liquid. Engine cooperate with automatic gear box ZF 7HP 902S Ecomat with 7 gears to front and one to the back.
Hitfist-30P turret system
This turret has been produce in Italian company OTO Melara it was made from strenghten alluminium, with amrour plates and composite materials. Thanks to this their weight without equipmenet is 2300 kg. Turret with equipment, two persons crew and ammo store weight 2850 kg. Their height is only 59,5 cm, which can be achived thanks to 9 surveillance periscopes hidden during air transport inside the vehicles body. In the turret fire control system, which is equipped in daily-nightly for-sight DNRS-288 from Kolsman Company and termovision camera II generation TILDE FC from Galileo Avionica has been installed. Polish Industrial Optical Center (PCO), will gain right and technologies do produce both elements of fire-control systems. In vehicles will be also installed Polish self defence and warning system SSP-1 Obra-3 from PCO, which can cooperate with 6 launcher of smoke granades. Two persons crew will have two 10 inches screens: one to cooperate with fire-control system and second to cooperate with fighting management system made by WB Electronics. There are also two manipulators for steering and directing weapons. From other turret systems is worth to notice passive surveillance systems POD-72 Radomka (from PCO), sight blast secure system UOW Pandora, automatic pollution detection system CHERDES and internal communication system FONET. Main armaments of the turret are 30 mm cannon Mk44 with stabilisation systems and 7,62 mm machine gun UKM-2000C. Ammo supply is transported in two stores for 30mm ammunition and 700 for 7,62mm. 96 vehicles with Hitfist-30P turret will be armed with anti-armour missiles Spike-LR.