Nexter Systems Dragar one-man turret armed with a Nexter Systems 25 mm Model 811 dual-feed cannon which has 175 rounds of HE and 45 rounds of armour-piercing ammunition for ready use. A 7.62 mm machine gun is mounted coaxial to the 25 mm cannon on the right side of the turret and has 200 rounds of ready use ammunition.
Designed as a modular one-man turret with in-chassis commander's station, the Nexter Systems (formerly Giat Industries) DRAGAR turret meets the growing requirement for infantry fighting vehicles (IFV) combining extreme mobility with superior payload, high level of protection and firepower. The DRAGAR turret is light and compact to preserve cross-country, carrying and amphibious capabilities. The modular ballistic protection, low profile and lack of highly inflammable hydraulic system (all-electric drive) ensure enhanced battlefield survivability. In all weather conditions, the DRAGAR turret provides the dismounted combat units with effective fire support. The 25 Model 811 cannon delivers 50 per cent more firepower than any 20 mm weapon. The DRAGAR turret enables accurate on-the-move firing and provides for self-defence against low-level air threats. It is fully interoperable with NATO standard 25×137 mm ammunition (STANAG 4173).
The highly versatile DRAGAR turret has been fielded on the AMX-10, Piranha and AIFV armoured vehicles. It has completed successful trials on the M113 and its derivatives, RN-94, VAB and Vextra. Basic features such as ballistic protection, sighting system or close defence are tailored according to user's requirements. Focusing on Life Cycle Cost, wide use is made of mass-produced commercial components. The DRAGAR turret is currently in full-scale production. Due to its modular design, the DRAGAR turret continuously benefits from technological advances. Expansions include defensive aid suites, battlefield IFF, in-chassis aiming video control, firing at the commander's station and FINDERSŪ on-board battlefield management system.
The DRAGAR one-man turret was designed by Nexter Systems (formerly Giat Industries) as a modular one-man turret with in-chassis commander's station. Ballistic protection can be adapted to customer requirements using module components. The sighting system and close-defence systems can also be tailored to customer requirements.First customer for the DRAGAR turret was Singapore for its AMX-10P Marine vehicles while the second customer was Turkey for its locally built FNSS Savunma Sistemleri AIFV. A total of 515 turrets were ordered, of which 67 came direct from France, with the remainder constructed under licence in Turkey. For trials purposes the DRAGAR turret has been installed on a pre-production Turkish-Romanian RN-94 (6 × 6) APC and on BAE Systems M113 series vehicles.
It has also been fitted to the MOWAG Piranha, Renault Trucks Defense VAB and Nexter Systems VEXTRA armoured vehicles.In June 1996, Nexter Systems announced it had signed a co-operation agreement with Oto Melara of Italy to promote both the Oto Melara two-man HITFIST turret family and the Nexter DRAGAR turret on their vehicles or for vehicles developed by third parties, and to associate the production of their turrets. Apart from accurate on-the-move firing, DRAGAR is also capable of engaging low-altitude air threats.A further development of the DRAGAR turret known as the Tarask turret has been selected for installation on the French Army's VBCI (8 × 8) infantry fighting vehicle being produced by Nexter Systems.