One of the best mechanized infantry combat vehicles in the world. The Swedish "Stridsfordon 90" (Combat Vehicle 90). Model 9040 has a 40mm automatic cannon and carries a full infantry squad of 6-8 men. The Swedish Army has ordered 650 of these vehicles. The latest batch has had a number of improvements including add-on armor and improved sights and gyro stabilizing of the gun in order to more efficiently operate and fire at high speed in uneven terrain (together with the strv 122, the Swedish improved version of the Leopard 2A5 MBT).
The 40 mm gun is efficient against everything on the battlefield except for the front armor of an MBT. It uses high explosive against buildings and unprotected troops, proximity fuse HE against aircraft and sub-caliber fin-stabilized discarding sabot "dart" ammo against armored vehicles (or armored attack helicopters).
The vehicles were designed and built by Hägglunds Vehicle AB and the turrets and guns by Bofors.
The main task of Combat Vehicle 9040 is to safely transport infantrymen and to be able to engage other combat vehicles and ground targets. The vehicle has a certain degree of air defense capacity, chiefly against helicopters. In order to be able to fulfill its tasks, the vehicle has been equipped with a number of different systems. These systems facilitate good accessibility and rapid deployment at a speed of 70 kph, and a high degree of firepower, plus offer good protection against fragmentation and NBC weapons.
The vehicle has the following special equipment:
- a co-axial 7.62 mm machine gun
- sights with an integrated laser and an IRV system
- an electric horizontal and vertical aiming system with a manual back-up system
- a computer for calculating aim-off and for ranging the gun.
The vehicle is equipped with positioning aids, GPS and a calculator.
The transportation compartment holds 7 infantrymen.