The service life extension program is developed specifically for the BTR-50PK ARC and vehicles with similar chassis (PT-76, BTR-50PU) to enhance their mobility, ergonomics and repairability, providing for the use of the upgraded vehicles jointly with the last-generation combat vehicles.
The BTR-50PKM advanced mobility is achieved through the installation of an uprated diesel engine and transmission combined into a single powerpack unit. The top speed of the vehicle is thus increased from 45 to 60km/h, fuel range from 400 to 450km. The powerpack and auxiliary systems (such as ejector cooling unit, air cleaner, air start-up system and others) have been used in the Russian BMP-1 and BMP-2 Infantry Fighting Vehicles.
They feature a well worked out design and superb reliability. Enhanced ergonomics have been attained by introduction of the power-assisted T-bar steering and transmission controls requiring less effort from the driver.
Improved repairability has been made possible owing to fast replacement of the powerpack as a single unit and implementation of quick disconnect couplings.
Due to the adopted layout solutions, the upgraded vehicle retains the original weight and center of gravity while preserving its unmatched amphibious capabilities.