The Pionierpanzer 3 (PiPz 3) Kodiak is a newly developed armored combat engineer vehicle which meets the increased requirements of modern armed forces through enhanced effectiveness and functionality. It combines ultramodern combat engineer-specific technology with the proven components of the Leopard 2 Main Battle Tank.
- Building and removal of obstacles;
- Relief missions and missions in disaster areas.
- Potential with all Leopard 2 MBT users.
Main features:
- Hinged excavator in center position;
- Tiltable dozer system with adjustable cutting angle;
- 2 x 9 t capstan winch (double quadruple link up to 62 t);
- Mine breaching (or mine clearing) kit;
- Military Loading Class 70 (MLC 70).
The Pionierpanzer 3 Kodiak can also de used as minefield clearing armored vehicle, as the dozer blade can be changed for a full-width mine plough. Whatever configuration is used (for instance, the inclusion of anti-mine protection devices) the Pionierpanzer 3 is guaranteed to stay within the weight limits of the Military Loading Class 70 (MLC 70).
Since the prototype rolled out in autumn 2003, the system has already been tested by Switzerland, the Netherlands and Denmark. Additional trials, for example in Sweden, are currently under preparation. A number of nations are already considering procuring the AEV Kodiak, and the consortium is looking forward to signing the first full-scale production contract in the near future.
The Panzerpionier 3 Kodiak provides combat engineers with a multifunctional tool not unlike the famous "Swiss Army Knife": based on a Leopard 2 chassis (including anti-mine protection), the Kodiak is equipped with a hinged excavator, two capstan winches and a tiltable dozer blade which can be exchanged for a mine plough.
The Kodiak is also very useful off the battlefield, for example in disaster relief operations following hurricanes, earthquakes or floods, as well as in post-conflict reconstruction scenarios.