The PMC-90 AVLB developed on the basis of PT-91 and T-72M1Z MBTs is able to carry out missions required to operations of combat forces, improving and increasing their tactical manoeuvrability. Main components from MBT have been adopted to provide interchangeability and the best logistic support. The comparable performance of whole family vehicles system was the main task during design of PMC-90 to make it capable to combat characteristic of MBTs.
The bridge is of a scissoring type and is operated by launching mechanism, hydraulically controlled from inside of the vehicles. The 20 meters long and 3.445 meters wide bridge, launched within 3 minutes is crossable by all 50 tons vehicles. Combination of multi-bridging arrangements to cross larger and more complicated obstacles can be carried out.
The PMC-90 is close support bridge layer which has the same mobility as basic MBT. With its low combat weight of 37 tons, it can speed up to 60 km/h, reaching max. cruising range of 550 km. It keeps excellent cross country capability. It can drive up gradiens of 60% and surmount obstacles up to 0,85 meters height and trenches up to 2,8 meters width.