Established as a dedicated enterprise to build vehicular-based Shturm-S and Kor-net-type guided weapon systems, the Volsk Mechanical Plant operates a state-of-the-art industrial base, excellent engineering support services and laboratories. The Plant's work force has been trained to the highest standards developed over the years in the Russian military-industrial complex.
The well-known Shturm-S righting vehicle has been in production for quite some time now. The product features superior reliability and ease of operation, the principal features being: firing range from 400 through 5,OCK) meters, rate of fire 3- 4 rounds per minute, complement of munitions 12
reloads. The system is operated by a crew of two.
Currently, the Plant is for the most part focussed on producing the Kornet mobile ATGW system that we take pride in and seek to introduce in the international armaments market.
In addition to thes products, the facility is also engaged in the production of consumer goods.